Our sites

Legal Notice

Company name: Creation and New Techniques (CTN)

Legal form: SAS with a capital of 549,880.00 euros.

Head office: 2 rue de Puits Dixme, 94310 Orly

Telephone: (+33) 01 73 12 53 00

RCS number: 303 322 408 00103


In accordance with Law No. 2004-575 of June 21, 2004 on confidence in the digital economy, we inform you that the website www.ctn-group.fr is the property of Création et Techniques Nouvelles (CTN).

The website www.ctn-group.fr was designed by Adveris.

The website www.ctn-group.fr is hosted on the computer equipment of the company OVH whose registered office is: 2 rue Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix – France.

The site www.ctn-group.fr is governed by French law; visitors accessing the site from abroad must ensure compliance with locally applicable laws.

The legal notices can be modified at any time and without notice, we urge you to consult them regularly.

Intellectual property

Création et Techniques Nouvelles (CTN) owns, reserves and retains all property rights, in particular intellectual property rights, including reproduction rights on this site and the elements it contains. Consequently, and in particular, any partial or total reproduction of this site and the elements it contains is strictly prohibited without the written authorization of Création et Techniques Nouvelles (CTN).

The logos and all other distinctive signs contained on this site are the property of Création et Techniques Nouvelles (CTN) or are subject to authorization for use. No right or license can be attributed to any of these elements without the written authorization of Création et Techniques Nouvelles (CTN) or the third party holder of the rights.

Exclusion of warranty and liability

The user of the website “www.ctn-group.fr” acknowledges having read these conditions of use of the site and undertakes to respect them.

Création et Techniques Nouvelles (CTN) cannot be held liable for any direct or indirect damage that may result from access to the site or use of the site and/or this information, including inaccessibility, loss of data, damage, destruction or viruses that could affect the user’s computer equipment and/or the presence of viruses on its site.

Although Création et Techniques Nouvelles (CTN) strives to provide reliable content on its site, it does not guarantee that its content is free from inaccuracies or omissions and cannot be held responsible for errors or omissions, lack of availability of information and services. Création et Techniques Nouvelles (CTN) reserves the right at any time and without notice to make improvements and/or modifications to the content of its site. Consequently, the user acknowledges using his information under his exclusive responsibility.

Privacy – Protection of personal data

Création et Techniques Nouvelles (CTN) has appointed a Data Protection Officer (DPO) in order to preserve your privacy and the protection of your personal data in compliance with the regulations in force. The role of the DRPO is defined by the General Data Protection Regulations supplementing the provisions of the amended Data Protection Act of 06/01/1978 and its implementing decree of 20/10/2005.

Regarding the personal information that you would be required to communicate to us, you have the right to access, modify, rectify and/or delete in accordance with the law relating to the protection of individuals with regard to processing of personal data n°2004-801 of August 6, 2004. To exercise this right, please send a message to:

Creation and New Techniques (CTN)

2 rue de Wells Dixme, 94310 Orly

Your data may be located in France, in a country of the European Union but also potentially outside the European Union. In the latter case, we ensure that data located in a non-EU country provides an adequate level of protection regarding the processing of data in accordance with Data Protection Regulations. Failing this, we take appropriate technical measures so that the level of guarantee by the Data Protection Regulations is respected.

The information collected is subject to computerized processing. Each Internet user has the right to access, modify, rectify and delete data concerning him. (Art. 34 of the law “Informatique et Libertés”). This right can be exercised at: hello@ctngroup.fr. Each user can also send to Création et Techniques Nouvelles (CTN) directives relating to the fate of their data after their death.

The personal data collected on this site is kept at most until the expiry of the legal limitation periods.

Cookies, TAGS and trackers

When browsing our website, information relating to your browsing may be saved in your terminal (computer, tablet, smartphone, etc.) through files called “Cookies”.

Cookies allow us in particular to monitor the number of visits to our website.

You can change your cookie preferences by setting your browser:

  • Safari
  • Chrome
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  • Internet Explorer
  • iOS

Links to other sites

The site may include links to other sites or other Internet sources. Insofar as Création et Techniques Nouvelles (CTN) cannot control these sites and these external sources, Création et Techniques Nouvelles (CTN) cannot be held responsible for the provision of these sites and external sources, and thus declines all responsibility for the content, advertising, products, services or any other material available on or from these sites or external sources.

These links are offered to users of the site www.ctn-group.fr as a service. The decision to activate the links is yours alone. We remind you that non-affiliated sites are subject to their own terms of use.